Faith York at Team Expansion
Faith York is a young missionary serving in Rome, Italy. Faith works for Team Expansion, an organization known for going to unreached countries and sharing the gospel. Surprisingly, Italy qualifies as an unreached country with less than 2% of the population identifying as evangelical christian.
The goal of the team in Rome is to spark a disciple making movement in Italy, for Italy become "reached", and for the momentum to continue throughout Europe.
A national effort needs to happen in order to see this goal come to fruition. A large part of Faith's and the team's time goes towards the training and equipping of national believers to make disciples, and networking with local churches and believers here.
Another aspect of Faith's work is engaging her local community in Rome, through prayer walking, Bible studies, and language exchanges. The team also has a center just outside of the city where they offer English lessons, Bible studies, and prayer. Instead of participants paying for English lessons with money, they pay in the form of nonperishable food supplies that are used to give to families in need.
Faith loves finding fun and active ways to meet people, such as playing volleyball, running, hiking, and having game nights. A lot of those hobbies she learned from her dad, Tim York, who was a youth minister at FCC for almost 6 years from 1996-2001.
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