International Disaster Emergency Service
I.D.E.S. seeks to meet the physical and spiritual needs of suffering people throughout the world in the name of Jesus Christ. We work in partnership with Christian Churches and Churches of Christ in the United States and with their missionaries overseas.
Our projects fall into one of five “Focus Areas”: Disaster Assistance, Development, Hunger Relief, Medical care, and Evangelism. Nearly all our projects touch on the priority of caring for the poor, the sick, the hungry and the homeless (see Matthew 25:31). This is at the center of our mission and purpose.
Additionally, all of our projects are connected to local churches/missions who ensure that people who are helped with physical needs also hear the Good News about Jesus, the only One who can meet their spiritual needs.
Vision Statement:
“Our vision is to lead the independent Christian Churches / Churches of Christ in responding to disasters and emergencies in the United States and throughout the world by mobilizing financial and physical resources to and through their missionaries and congregations for the purpose of benevolent evangelism.”
P. O. Box 379
Noblesville, IN 46061
355 Park 32 West Drive
Noblesville, IN 46060